Đặt câu với từ "underestimation|underestimations"

1. " between arrogant overestimation of ourselves and a servile underestimation of ourselves. "

2. However, American attitudes are a volatile mix. Underestimation of the inequality between C.

3. The IEA's underestimation of energy demand in 2004 contributed to a global jump in oil prices.

4. That is due to underestimation of the enemy and to lack of intensive education and study.

5. This is due to the enemy's underestimation of China and also to his shortage of troops.

6. Caution in Avowing underestimation of the global burden of alcohol-related diseases was particularly used

7. Assumed low levels of unemployment are likely to lead to an underestimation of the social benefits payments.

8. The Court considers that this approach may lead to an underestimation of the amounts at risk.

9. Also, in both MF and MTF methods, clumping of coliforms can lead to an underestimation of their concentrations.

10. The average number of quarrels per hour was three to four, although this was probably an underestimation.

11. 6 Any underestimation,(www.Sentencedict.com) overestimation or misjudgement will have negative effects on preschool education and children's development.

12. Underestimation of the space required for future communal needs is a common problem in camps of limited area.

13. Other countries have a similar national accounting problem, but the rapid growth of China's service sectormakes the underestimation more pronounced.

14. Underestimation of the inequality between C.E.O. incomes and the wages of the average production worker wage does not, for example, imply approval.

15. This underestimation will increase with a larger difference between the cold and hot oil viscosity and is also more relevant to early times (economics).

16. This estimation relied on seismological techniques measuring the first seismic waves recorded, a method that lends itself to underestimation when a quake exceeds a magnitude of

17. Analysis indicates that the mainly reason of the discrepancy is the underestimation of the proportion of large vehicle and the scale of traffic flow at night.

18. On the part of therapist, lack of empathy, negative countertransference, underestimation of the severity of the patient's problems, and poor technique all have been associated with negative outcome.

19. "If you asked one of these guys 'What are the chances of you getting caught?' you would see an underestimation of the risks, " Dr. Geary said.

20. The excessive focus on the short-term has resulted in a significant underestimation of low probability but high risks and in the increase of risk-taking behaviour.

21. The main cause of underestimation of p[O.sub.2] in Arterialised capillary blood was insufficient arterialisation leading to a venous admixture, the effect of which depends upon the arteriovenous p[O.sub.2] difference.

22. Unfortunately it seems there's no such thing as small change: the much-repeated 21 days to form a habit is a considerable underestimation unless your only goal in life is drinking glasses of water.

23. "If you asked one of these guys 'What are the chances of you getting caught? ' you would see an underestimation of the risks," Dr. Geary said. "And the severity of the consequences is underestimated.

24. However, its quantitative application to aortic regurgitation is complicated due to the complex valve anatomy which distorts the converging flow field. An open angle formed by the leaflets causes relatively lower velocities in the region near the orifice, resulting in underestimation of flow.

25. Background: The purpose of this study is to determine the rate of false-negative findings and histologic underestimation of ultrasound guided core-needle biopsies (CNB). We evaluate the usefulness of immunhistochemistry of Epithelial-Membrane-Antibody as an adjunct for histopathological diagnosis.